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Saturday, September 23, 2006

Secand chance

I went to friday program, for the first time. It was ok. I then went with my other family members that were there, to the grocery store. We went home and put the food away. Then we were bored till, it was time to go to youth group. And before we could go to youth group mommy and daddy, had to work out the car problems. One car had a flat tire, one wouldn't work, and my oldest sister had left with the other one to go to her friends house. So we had only one car. We also had to pick up Karen and Hannah, from MickyDs. Then we went to youth group, and me and Val were stuck together. Because they taped us together to do an activity. When we were done, we watched Secand Chance, with a lot of other college students. It was fun. Then I got home and almost fell into my bed because I was so tired. It also was almost 1:30 AM. Well, I g2g bye


1 comment:

Kristen said...

hey! it was fun to hear from you again. yeah, i haven't been getting very many comments om my blog either, but i still like posting on it. hope your day is going well. if you ever get a chance, i'd love for you to comment again.

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