Celtic Thunder!!! <3

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Thursday, January 11, 2007


It's my sister's 16th birthday!!!!! She got here permit today too. It was fun!!! Well, I have sooo schoolwork!! so I g2g bye!!!


~Lauraborialice said...

Happy Birthday Karen!!!!!

~Lauraborialice said...

not that you ever look at my site.....

~Lauraborialice said...

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
10 random things about ME!!

10. I LOVE to read!!!
9. I have 6 pen pals!!!
8. I am terable at school!! =(
7. I get 2g2 youth group!!!
6. Jesus is the One who saved me
5. I am fearfully and wonderfully made!!!!
4. I'm beautiful in God's eyes!!!
3. I am a BAD essay writer lol
2. I have big feet!!! (11 and a half women!!! lol)
1. I want 2g2 Breakout!!!!

9 ways to win my heart

9. Love God
8. make me smile
7. be able to just go crazy
6. like me for myself
5. be a STRONG Christian
4. LOVE to listen to music!!!
3. Being able to laugh!!!!
2. Like my family!!!
1. not look on the outside, but on the inside of me......

8 things i want to do before i die

8. Go to Mexico
7. lead at least 5 people to the Lord
6. Go on a missionary trip
5. be able to be fearless for God....
4. have children....
3. be able to defend my faith effectively
2. talk to God more...
1. go to Sweden!!!

7 things that annoy me

7. My brother 75% of the time....
6. When people make me do something I don't want to do
5. our mouse!!!!!
4. my sister 98% of the time
3. some electronic things..... when they don't work...
2. repetativeness.....!!!!
1. one of our computers most of the time....!!!!!!

6 things I believe in

6. that we were meant to live for so much more =)
5. that God is the father of all...
4. History is gone for good....
3. Forgiveness!!!!!
2. LOVE!!!!

5 things I am afraid of

5. Satan
4. hell... good thing i'm not going there =)
3. the three s' snakes, spiders, sharks
2. not being forgiven
1. being persecuted

4 of my favorite things

4. Dogs!!!!!
3. Christian music!!!!
2. Friends!!!!
1. Camp Cherith

3 things I do every day

3. eat
2. pray
1. read the bible...

2 things i want to do right now

2. read....
1. go to my grandparent's house...

1 person I want to see right now

1. I think you ALL know who that is. JESUS!!!!!

comments?????? LOVE YOU ALL


My Music..