Celtic Thunder!!! <3

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Well, I got to see an old classmate at chess club for my younger siblings... We played chess and I beat him both times... He is really funny... He used to be homeschooled before he went to OSL... But, I don't know where he goes to... Well, I'm very very tired of being sick... I lost 1.5 pounds.... I think that is good!!! So now I weigh less... I like that... Well, I g2g bye!!! I have to go to bed...

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Just remember, its whats on the inside that counts. You are beautiful just the way the Lord made you, never forget that.
yes, if you want to link me to your site thats fine. by the way, do you have a facebook? because if you do then i'd love to request you as my friend. :)
hope you're having a great day!

My Music..