Celtic Thunder!!! <3

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Friday, February 22, 2008

Hey!! Today I got picked on by my debating teacher.. It was funny.. But it was a good day.. :-) Thanks for reading and commenting my blogs.. :-) <3 ya


oh_no_its_Becka said...

Aw sorry to hear u got picked on :(

Spelling was not one of my strongest subject...but yet is was my fovrite go figure lol

2 JB songs!?! woohoo im making progress! lol

r u kidding me? that was a really hot photo ok! lol idk what picture u were looking at but that is deff one of my favs :) lol

Ang said...

I really hadn't had a Redbull, I was just very happy. I don't remember why, lol.

Unknown said...

I am doing good. I had a busy day today, though. U??

oh_no_its_Becka said...

woah wait??? how is the mall converting you??? im confused lol

ne who have u heard the song myspace girl by the afters??? omg i ove it! lol

oh_no_its_Becka said...

i swear u said something about the mall....hmmm idk lol


did u watch the video???? it makes sense why i should get a myspace then...

I want to but the rents wont let me....:P its poo

Ezo said...

i forgot what <3 means..can you tell me?thanx!

Bethany said...

Hi Laura, (just checking is tis you actual name?)
I just wanted to thank you the comment on my blog. I just realized I made a mistake when I wrote the post and blogger won't let me fix it. I am going to have to delete the post and so your comment will be deleted as well. I thought I would let you know in case you wondered why I deleted your comment. Bethany

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