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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

A happy 4th for me! :-D

Well, my 4th of July this year was fun! I stayed home in the morning when my dad went bike riding, and I did schoolwork (since I am behind, but I should have a lot of it done by the end of this week.. :-D) And then I went shopping with my family for food, and we had friends over.. We ate hamburgers, hot dogs, corn, cake for my mom passing her final exam to become a nurse, and ice cream.. So now my mom is an official nurse! :-D And my brother is 3 now!! He turned 3 on July 3rd.. And Tuesday and Today(Wednesday) my siblings haven't had swimming lessons, so I haven't been able to do my homework, so I am behind.. :-( I don't like being behind.. :-( But hey, I can deal with it.. I am doing schoolwork now because I was lazy bum when they weren't here..

And this is my 199th post! :-D So I might not post for a little while on here, maybe not until August! idk.. But just so you know! I am going to Mexico in two weeks and I am coming back from there on August 5th for a missions trip. And August 6th or 7th I am going to Canada for my family vacation.. :-D So I might not be back on here after July 23rd till August 18th or so.. So yeah.. Well, later gater.. :-D

1 comment:

Neesie said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! You sure do have a lot of blogs. :-) Which one should I go to?

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