Celtic Thunder!!! <3

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday program.. Thanksgiving..

I am sorry I never get on here and post and comment anymore.. my life is crazy.. =P And I am sad right now, Friday program (the way I get to see all my close friends) just ended today.. It is really sad.. And I miss all my friends.. Plus I didn't realize that Thanksgiving was next week! And I am leaving for Thanksgiving in Wednesday and I have to pack! OMG!! So I have to hurry for that but I am happy because then I can see my relatives.. =D

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Hey Laura! It's great to hear from you again!
I understand what you said about friday program, I went to a co-op last year and it was very sad when it ended.
Have a good turkey day!
Your friend, the Queen

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