Celtic Thunder!!! <3

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Monday, January 12, 2009

As Val wanted.. =P more Celtic Thunder pics..

lol So here are more Celtic Thunder Pictures.. =P =)


Ezo said...

i have another of nick and the dog....if you want.. :)

Ezo said...

comments don't work!>:(

oh_no_its_Becka said...

i soooo am borrowing that big fluffy jacket damian has lol.... XD

Mark Regan said...

It's not fair to have such great pictures and not give, as Paul Harvey says, the "rest of the story" behind them.

~Lauraborialice said...

Bounty Hunter..: ok let's see.. The one on this post is them in colorado as you can see and they are by the fire truck.. =)

Mark Regan said...

No, no, no. I mean how you came to meet them. How they came to be at the fire station. Were they quenching the fires kindled in your heart or where they there for some other reason? (Photo Op, favor, trip to the ski slopes, etc.)

~Lauraborialice said...

They were touring to Colorado I guess.. I found out about them from my aunt.. But, I have never met them though.. lol What do you mean quenching the fire kindled in my heart? =P

Mark Regan said...

Be honest, now. Your heart was burning for ONE or MORE of the guys, and they called the firetruck to put out that burning flame.

They were appearing in Denver and took a day off to snow ski just west of town. How did you meet up with them? Were you the camera person?

~Lauraborialice said...

No I wasn't the camera person.. And I like Ryan Kelly.. =D (aka Dark Destroyer).. =P They must have had fun skiing..

Mark Regan said...

OH, no, I should have figured. Another poor woman has her heart STOLEN by Ryan. That snake. He's going to break your heart.

Remember, I, and millions of other guys will still be here standing besides faithful and loving and understanding and brokenhearted Paul when you realize your mistake. We're here for you.

~Lauraborialice said...

haha you do know that I like Paul too.. But thanks for the sentiments.. =) =P

Mark Regan said...

I can imagine your fantasy now, as you are skiing down that slippery slope and fall flat on your face, and Ryan and Paul stop to help you get up and you recognize them and get all flustered and embarrassed by the snow all over your face, as they brush it lightly from your cheek, and invite you to ski with them the rest of the afternoon and join them by the fire at the lodge to sip a bit of wine and you regale them with stories of your dog curled up in front of the fireplace and win their hearts. Ohhhhh. I'm jealous of them already.

My Music..