Celtic Thunder!!! <3

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

My survey thingy mabober for the contest.. =)

1. Give us your name and age (age is optional) please don't put your last name!

Laura Rachel- age 15

2. Who is in your family?

My dad and mom, siblings Heather (20), Karen (18), Valerie (16), Daniel (12), Rachel (10), Jonathan (7), and Justin (3)

3. What is your favorite Bible verse?

I like a lot of them and can't remember which one's they are.. =)

4. Why is it your favorite?


5. What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?

getting on the computer, reading, playing card games, hanging out with friends!

6. What is your biggest struggle as a woman?

I think it is to not be destracted by worldly things.. And keeping myself out this this world and not of it...

7. What would you like us to talk about in the GI blog in the future?

I really don't care at this time.. I like it anyway right now..

8. Who is your favorite author?

hmmm Robin Lee Hatcher, or Dee Henderson.. =)

9. What is your favorite Christian song or poem?

my favorite Christian song is hmmm hard one.. I think it would have to be I Promise, and Serve The Lord by Carman or The Motions...

10. Do you have any advice for a fellow sister in Christ?

hmmm.. Trust God! He can hold you up! God loves you!! And he wants to be the first person in your life.. =P


Ezo said...

wow you have alot of celtic thunder pictures!can i have some... :)

Ezo said...

i know :) but i still like to see them just the same;)

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